Monday 18 April 2011

The Bunny that came too soon!

I feel as though men (my dear sweet caleb) sometimes try to do very sweet nice things for others and it ends up going down hill lol . I think you all have had an incident in your lives similar to this. My hubby has a heart of gold but his mind is normally in different world. Last week was pretty busy for us I was working alot in the Hair salon and he had his final exam that week . We were also preparing for Beau's 1ST birthday . And we also had my birthday all in one week. ahhh it was overwhelming of stress and excitement. I think Caleb was so excited he forgot the date thinking it was Easter on Sunday , He thought I had totally forgot about Easter so he did all the Easter shopping without me lol . How sweet . He got the sweetest little gifts, for sam he got a big tiger stuffie , Beau some treats and a book and for me some treats and a housecoat! How sweet is this man .And on the table for him was nothing ! He came into the room in the morning and couldn't wait to show us what the wonderful easter bunny had left. And then I had ruined the moment "caleb its not Easter today, its next week". poor guy it only got worse for him then on Since it was not Easter the bunny hadn't shopped for anything for him , and I had a pitty party about how I wanted to be parted of the Easter planning and shopping.
It was all resolved the Bunny will be coming again this Sunday!

My Mother in law posted this o so cute pics of Beau . Baby's are truly too cute for words!


  1. so cute when boys do cute things :) and Beau is one handsome little dude!!!

  2. Brownie points to Caleb for a double easter :D hahaha, so funnY!

  3. That is so funny. But yay for 2 Easters!!
